inside offside

And we’re off! Offside, that is… No, really. We’re offside cannabis, and we’re pleased to meet you! As a Canadian-owned and operated cannabis dispensary, steadily providing more and more retail (as well as online) services across Ontario, we thought we should formally introduce ourselves.

Fun fact? While we may look like the new kid on the block, we’ve actually been around for a while. We are the dispensary formally known as SPDR cannabis. Look at how we’ve grown!

At offside, we’re all about being on YOUR side… we’re your source for better bud at better prices.

Still, there are ALL sorts of cannabis dispensaries out there. What makes offside cannabis unique? It’s really about what you, the customers, are looking for.

In our case, we’ve discovered that the offside cannabis community typically knows what it wants. They know what’s available to them, they understand what the product they’re looking for should cost, and they’re after the best, most affordable, and efficient way(s) to get it, all with the highest-quality customer service.

But, believe it or not, we’re not perfect. From a price perspective, yes, we focus on being the best value for your dollar dispensary, but as hard as we try, sometimes you may be able to find a better price for the same product. Don’t worry, we have your back. If an offside customer finds a lower price through another retailer, we’ll price match in most cases.

Plus, we have offside rewards to make sure that you’re not only getting the best bud at the best prices, but you’re collecting points to boot.

Add to the what and how much, and it’s also about where. Offside is quite literally off to the side… serving big-city-adjacent communities, rather than upper, mid, or downtown core consumers. We’re ‘off-to-the-side’ of those markets, as well as the industry as a whole, meaning you’ll find us serving cannabis communities in Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Pickering, and (most recently!) Port Perry, instead of downtown Toronto.

How did we get off to such a strong start? Well, offside happens to be part of a larger group of very smart people at Delota Corp., a publicly-traded cannabis AND vape retailer that owns the offside cannabis and 180 Smoke brands.

Did you know 180 Smoke is Canada’s largest vape retailer? Including offside cannabis, Delota has almost 30 retail locations across Ontario, along with a huge e-commerce business.

The name ‘Delota’ itself refers to the chemical label for delta-9-THC, and iota is the ninth letter in the Greek alphabet (see? We told you they were smart… they know Greek!). Combined, the word Delota represents the company’s commitment to the retail cannabis market, but it also keeps the door open for like-minded, high-growth sectors like vape.

What does that mean for our community of consumers? It means we have the data, resources, and expertise to ensure you’re getting what you want, when you want it, how you want it, at a price that makes sense. It means we can balance all of that with locally-focused boutique services. And it means we can scale… more dispensaries in the locations that make the most sense. Smart, right?

For example, our new Port Perry location should be opening soon!

Hmm. We think that may just about cover it. If there’s anything else you want to learn more about, like:

product availability
new locations
questions around cannabis
inhaling versus ingesting (edibles) cannabis
cbd versus thc and how they work together
maybe you just want to share something about your experience (online or in-store)
the weather?

Just let us know through our contact page, and/or on social, and be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get more amazing content like this!